All content and material on this website is copyrighted material either belonging to Cybercity Lions Club or its bona fide contributors.


All the programs offered here are for the purpose of helping people and serving the community to grow.

All the views expressed by the team are their own and may not necessarily reflect the views of our club.


 All programs, logos, images etc. mentioned here are the registered intellectual property of their respective owners.


Wherever required, we have quoted the source, and if anyone finds any copyright infringement, it has been caused inadvertently. Please write to us for the prompt corrective action at our end. 


‘meripehchan.me ‘ is conceptualized and created by Ln. Rajni Gobhil, Projects Chairperson of Gurugram Cybercity Lions club, with the objective to share and spread knowledge to help people and communities to grow.All the program design, learning information therein and other support services belong to our team of professionals, other contributors and organizations associated with us.


This site is not in any way affiliated with any other Lions Club in any manner and belongs to only Gurugram Cybercity Lions Club (Lions International id Club# 143063).


The contents of articles or blogs on this website may be shared on other websites,forums or blogs with a clear link back to the original source article URL link

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